Llewyn Davis (played by Oscar Isaac) is a young folk singer, struggling to find a career for himself despite his talent. The film is beautifully shot and would’ve been a sure winner for cinematography awards had it not been against ‘Gravity’.

Oscar Isaac gives arguably the best performance of his career as of yet and really shows us just how much potential he has. I’m not a fan of the Cohen Brothers unlike many people, yet for me this was really my favourite of theirs. Maybe it was overlooked in Awards Season, but it shouldn’t be missed. The writing is brilliant, the story is gripping, the direction is fantastic and the cinematography is some of the best you will ever see.

Throughout the film you’re not sure whether you really like Lleweyn’s character, he comes across as a horrible and heartless person but his talent contrasts this and makes you want him to achieve success. For me, the ending to this film is brilliant.

Yet finally, let’s not forget just how beautiful the music is. If you’re a fan of folk music, you’ll love this Oscar Isaac’s songs are just brilliant and are crucial to the film. His talent as an actor and a singer helps to create and mould his character.

A film that deserves more credit than it’s achieved, the best aspects: The Cinematography and Sound.

Overall: 8.5/10