
The Best of Classic Movies



The Passion of Joan of Arc – Review

The 1928 classic focuses on the trial of Joan of Arc and is known to be one of the most groundbreaking films of all time. But is it really that good?

Well in short, yes. If not better than the acclaim it’s achieved. Wherever you look you’ll see this considered as one of the best silent movies ever made and once you watch it you’ll understand why. Maria Falconetti gives in my opinion, the greatest silent performance of all time, with the emotion feeling so real and heartbreaking. The cinematography is genius, revolutionary and just outstanding. It brings the film to life and adds to the hugely unique style of this film. Carl Theodor Dreyer shows his pure talent as a director with his own masterpiece and really shows us why he’s a director who shouldn’t be forgotten. The sound adds to the intense feeling of the film, whilst complementing Falconetti’s beautiful acting.

The story of what would seemingly have a very thin plot and couldn’t really go very far, completely surpasses all expectations and will have you gripped from start to finish. This is mainly through the beautiful direction and the realism Falconetti shows.

If you’re not a fan of silent films, then this may be the film to begin with, as the film is just a masterpiece to look at. It’s one of the greatest classics of all time; quite possibly the greatest ever silent film.

It cannot be missed.

Overall: 10/10

10 of the greatest directors of all time

This list will explore some of the best directors in the film industry of all time, looking at their best films, a brief overview of each director and my personal favourite of their films. (In no particular order.)

1. Akira Kurosawa

Possibly the greatest Japanese director of all time and with his huge influences on films such as The Magnificent Seven and Star Wars, he will always be renowned as one the greats. He spent a lot of his career focusing on samurai films, with his most famous being that of ‘Seven Samurai’ a film in which was the idea behind The Magnificent Seven, yet still in my opinion being a far better production than that of its re-invention. In his later career with the movement to colour, he created the visual masterpiece ‘Ran’. Still today, many Director’s are hugely influenced and in admiration because of the genius of his work. However, with Akira Kurosawa comes an actor who is almost constantly overlooked and forgotten which is that of his most commonly used leading actor Toshiro Mifune. Kurosawa was the winner of the very prestigious Oscar Honorary Award.

Some of Kurosawa’s greatest works:


The Hidden Fortress


Throne of Blood


Seven Samurai


My personal favourite: Seven Samurai – its story is gripping, with a brilliant talent of acting. Yet the direction and production design steals the show creating an absolutely breathtaking classic.

2. Fritz Lang

A director who dominated much of German Expressionism. His idea’s revolutionised cinema and is still renowned today as the creator of one of the greatest Sci-Fi films of all time ‘Metropolis’. The film has grown in popularity over time, yet it was hugely impactful when it first hit screens, it is said to have been Adolf Hitler’s favourite film. Lang was a director who pushed boundaries and made the most of his ability as a director.

Some of Fritz Lang’s greatest works:




Dr Mabuse: The Gambler

Testament of Dr Mabuse


My personal favourite: M – This was a very difficult decision for me as I’m a huge fan of all of his works, whilst loving Metropolis and the Dr Mabuse films, I will always be a huge fan of M. I think he took a huge chance on the film with the huge controversy it would cause, yet he created it anyway. With Peter Lorre’s acting, the beautiful cinematography, directing and the eerie and creepy sound, it is an absolute great film. A unique and unforgettable story, this is a true classic.

3. Steven Spielberg

Spielberg is now one of the best known contemporary directors. He has created some groundbreaking films, whilst being a fantastically versatile director, creating films from all different genres. He is the winner of 3 Academy Awards and vast amounts of nominations. He’s a director whom will surely go down as one of the most revolutionary and genius directors of his time. He has countless classics and with surely many more to come.

Some of Spielberg’s greatest films:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind


Schindler’s List



Saving Private Ryan

My personal favourite: Schindler’s List – one of the greatest films ever made on World War 2, focused on the Jewish point of view from the holocaust. It’s heartbreaking, with incredible directing and acting. It will leave you emotional and stunned.

4. Alfred Hitchcock

Hitchcock was a genius of his time and is now so regularly known everywhere, with his Best Picture winning ‘Rebecca’ and his timeless classic and one of the most loved films of all time ‘Psycho’. He made thrillers his own and created tension which has never been equalled, working with some of the greatest actors of all time. He will always be one of the most appreciated directors.

Some of Hitchcock’s greatest films:



North by Northwest


The Birds


Rear Window

My personal favourite: Psycho – not just due to the absolutely huge appreciation by critics and all film lovers but because it was one of the greatest and tense films I’ve ever watched. It will leave you disturbed and amazed by the strange story, the eerie acting and the stunning iconic music.

5. Billy Wilder

A director who worked in the same period as that of Alfred Hitchcock, with an equal talent but sometimes overlooked due to Hitchcock’s brilliance. He was a versatile director who could create works of all different genres from his brilliant comedy ‘The Apartment’ to his great Drama ‘Sunset Boulevard’. He is one of the most decorated directors with winning an incredible 6 Oscars, if you watch his films you’ll soon realise why.

Some of Wilder’s greatest films:

The Apartment

Some Like It Hot

Sunset Boulevard

Witness For The Prosecution

Double Indemnity

Stalag 17

The Lost Weekend

My personal favourite: I could not choose one favourite, his different genres and styles left me split, yet I’m a completely huge fan of Sunset Boulevard/Witness For The Prosecution/Some Like It Hot.

6. Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman is a director who is loved by film critics but can also split people’s decisions with his very disturbing and sometime convoluted plots. He was a swedish director who was at his best through the 50’s-60’s. Whether you like him or not he’s definitely a director you should watch and decide for yourself. He was nominated for an incredible 9 Academy Awards.

Some of Bergman’s greatest films:


Seventh Seal

Fanny and Alexander

Wild Strawberries

Cries and Whispers

My personal favourite – Persona: I must say personally I am not a huge Bergman fan, yet I am able to appreciate his great skill and imagination as a director. Yet when I watched Persona, my view was changed when I was absolutely amazed and absorbed by the ingenious and beautiful film.

7. Federico Fellini

Fellini was an Italian director who was known for his films of realism and inventive ideas. He was at his peak during the 50’s-70’s and is loved by film fans and critics alike. Nominated for an unbelievable 12 Oscar’s with many of his films winning the Best Foreign Film Award he’s a director you cannot miss.

Some of Fellini’s greatest works:

White Sheik

La Dolce Vita

Nights of Cabiria

8 1/2


La Strada

My personal favourite – Nights of Cabiria, I’m a huge Fellini fan and although this is not considered his greatest, I was in love with the film. It was completely heart breaking and very easy to be absorbed by the leading actress.

8. Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick is one of the most well-known American director’s despite not making very many films, each was beautifully directed and inventive. He was very versatile, creating films from all different genre’s from Sci-Fi to War to Crime to Horror. Despite only winning one Academy Award he was nominated for many more and is still appreciated as being one of the greatest of all time.

Some of Kubrick’s greatest films:

The Shining

Clockwork Orange

2001: A Space Odyssey

Dr Strangelove

Barry Lyndon


Paths of Glory

Full Metal Jacket

My personal favourite: Full Metal Jacket, I love most of Kubrick’s films but this for me was just incredible. I’m a huge fan of War films and I love his film on World War 1 ‘Paths of Glory’ but it doesn’t begin to compare to Full Metal Jacket. In my opinion the greatest Vietnam War film surpassing the likes of Dear Hunter, Apocalypse Now, Platoon and many more. The film is almost in two parts, with beautiful cinematography, outstanding acting and a really great and gripping story.

9. Frank Capra

The great director of the 30’s and 40’s creating endearing and lovely stories. The winner of 3 Academy Awards, he was known for using James Stewart as his leading actor. One of the greatest and sweet actors of the 40’s. Known for the greatest Christmas film of all time ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Capra will always be one the great old Hollywood directors.

Some of Capra’s greatest films:

It’s a Wonderful life

Mr Deeds Goes To Town

Mr Smith Goes To Washington

Meet John Doe

It Happened One Night

My personal favourite: Mr Deeds Goes To Town, although I love ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, Gary Cooper leads a brilliant and funny story which will leave you smiling and admiring the beauty of this classic.

10. Francis Ford Coppola

Coppola is one of the greats and is obviously best known for his unforgettable hit ‘The Godfather’ whilst also creating the classic Vietnam War film (also starring Marlon Brando) Apocalypse Now. Many forget that even without the Godfather trilogy he is still an incredible director. Loved by critics and the winner of 5 Academy Awards, he’s one of America’s best.

Some of Coppola’s greatest films:

The Godfather trilogy

Apocalypse Now

The Conversation

American Graffiti

The Rainmaker

My personal favourite: The Godfather – undoubtably one of the best films ever made and what I believe to be a flawless film.

So there is 10 of the greatest directors of all time, I will soon add another list including 10 more directors who can equal the talent of these geniuses.

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